מדיה ויקי:Gadget-Rechtschreibpruefung.js
הערה: לאחר הפרסום, ייתכן שיהיה צורך לנקות את זיכרון המטמון (cache) של הדפדפן כדי להבחין בשינויים.
- פיירפוקס / ספארי: להחזיק את המקש Shift בעת לחיצה על טעינה מחדש (Reload), או ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-F5 או Ctrl-R (במחשב מק: ⌘-R).
- גוגל כרום: ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-Shift-R (במחשב מק: ⌘-Shift-R).
- אינטרנט אקספלורר / אדג': להחזיק את המקש Ctrl בעת לחיצה על רענן (Refresh), או ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-F5.
- אופרה: ללחוץ על Ctrl-F5.
/** * written by [[User:ערן]] basesd on [[de:MediaWiki:Gadget-Rechtschreibpruefung.js]] **/ function spellChecker() { 'use strict' /*== CONFIGURATION ==*/ var wbSpellCheck = 'Q15098221'; // wikidata item of list of words var ignorePages = ['ויקיפדיה:בוט/בוט החלפות/רשימת החלפות נוכחית']; // language variants: the script looks for the keys of the dictionary below and if it finds them in article code it loads the specific variant instead of default var langVariants = { } var errors = { installError: '<div>Please create a dictionary for spelling mistakes and link it to <a href="//www.wikidata.org/wiki/{0}>{0}</a> in Wikidata</div>', spellListNotFound: 'Page not found: <a href="{0}">{1}</a>' } /*== END OF CONFIGURATION ==*/ var mispellsList = localStorage.mispellsList || $.cookie( 'mispellsList' ); var dictionary = { misspells: {}, keys: [] } /* Setups misspelling gadget - get the site-specific name of page with dictionary. returns $.Deferred */ function setup() { var misspellInstall = new $.Deferred(); if ( mispellsList ) { misspellInstall.resolve(); } else { mw.loader.using( [ 'wikibase.api.RepoApi', 'wikibase.client.getMwApiForRepo' ] ).done(function(){ var repoApi = new wikibase.api.RepoApi( wikibase.client.getMwApiForRepo() ); repoApi.getEntities( wbSpellCheck, 'sitelinks').done( function( data ) { var currSite = mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ); if ( data.entities && data.entities.hasOwnProperty( wbSpellCheck ) && data.entities[wbSpellCheck].sitelinks && data.entities[wbSpellCheck].sitelinks.hasOwnProperty( currSite ) ) { mispellsList = data.entities[wbSpellCheck].sitelinks[currSite].title; try { localStorage.mispellsList = mispellsList; } catch(e) { $.cookie( 'mispellsList', mispellsList ); } misspellInstall.resolve(); } else { mw.notify( $( errors.installError.replace('{0}', wbSpellCheck) ) ); misspellInstall.reject(); } } ); } ); } return misspellInstall; } function runSpellCheck() { if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ).replace('_', ' ') == mispellsList || $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ).replace(/_/g, ' '), ignorePages) != -1 ) return; if ( dictionary.keys.length>0 ) { checkSpells( $( '.ve-ce-surface, #mw-content-text:visible' ) ); return; } var contextHTML = $( '.ve-ce-surface, #mw-content-text:visible' ).html(); // load language variant dictionary instead of default dictionary for (var variant in langVariants) { if (contextHTML.indexOf(variant) !== -1) { mispellsList += '/' + langVariants[variant]; break; } } $.ajax({ url: mw.util.wikiScript('index') + '?title=' + mw.util.wikiUrlencode( mispellsList ) + '&action=raw&ctype=text/x-wiki', dataType: 'html' }).then( function( dictionaryPage ) { if (dictionaryPage) { //remove intro and headers dictionaryPage = dictionaryPage.substr( dictionaryPage.indexOf('==') ).replace( /==.*==/g,'' ) parseDictionary( dictionaryPage ); checkSpells( $( '.ve-ce-surface, #mw-content-text:visible' ) ); } } ); } function uniqueArr( listWords ) { var dictWords = {}; var res = []; for ( var i=0; i<listWords.length; i++ ) { dictWords[listWords[i]] = 1; } for ( var k in dictWords ) { res.push( k ); } return res; } /* Extract unique words from context. Removes words in citations. */ function extractPageWords( context ) { var pageWords = {};//unique words in article var wordList = []; // remove citations and all "sic" + one word before var splittedWords = context.text().replace(/\s[^\s]*[ \-]sic[ \-\!]/,' ').replace(/„.*?“/g,'').split(/\s/); //remove citations for (var i=0;i<splittedWords.length;i++){ if ( splittedWords[i].length && !( /^[0-9]+$/.test( splittedWords[i] ) ) ) { var trimed = splittedWords[i].replace( /[\[\],\.\(\)]/g, '' ).toLowerCase(); pageWords[trimed] = 1; } } for ( var word in pageWords ) { wordList.push(word); } return wordList; } function parseDictionary( dict ){ //to dictioanry! var correcto = dict.split('\n'); var keyWords = []; for ( var i=0; i<correcto.length; i++ ){ var entry = correcto[i]; if ( entry.length === 0 || (entry=entry.trim()).length === 0 ){ continue;//skip empty lines } var fixTriple = entry.split( '|' ); if ( fixTriple.length !==3 ){ console.log('Bad entry:' +entry); continue; } //skip on words appear in title if (!(new RegExp( '(^|\\s)' + fixTriple[0] + '(?:$|\\s)','i').test(mw.config.get('wgTitle')))){ dictionary.misspells[fixTriple[0].toLowerCase()] = { hint: fixTriple[2], cs: fixTriple[1] == 'cs', //case sensetive word: fixTriple[0] } keyWords.push( fixTriple[0].toLowerCase() ); } } dictionary.keys = uniqueArr( keyWords ); } function checkSpells( context ) { var hasError = false; //extract article words for efficient search var artWords = extractPageWords( context ); var words = dictionary.keys.concat( artWords ); words.sort(); var relevantWords = {}; for (var i = 1; i<words.length; i++){ if ( words[i] == words[i-1] ) { relevantWords[words[i]] = 1; hasError = true; } } for (var k in relevantWords) { // since \b isn't supported in unicode we use heuristic instead which should catch 99% of the cases :) markWordStart( context, new RegExp( '(^|[\\s\\(\\[-])(' + dictionary.misspells[k].word + ')(?=$|[-\\?\\!\\s\\.:,;\\)\\]])', dictionary.misspells[k].cs? '' : 'i' ), dictionary.misspells[k].hint ); } return hasError; } function markWordStart(context, text, hint) { var markedElement = context.get(0); if ( markedElement ){ markWord( markedElement, text, hint); } } function markWord(node, text, hint) { var pos, len, newnodes = 0; var newnode, middlenode, endnode; var textmatch; // textnode - search for word if (node.nodeType == 3) { pos = node.data.search(text); if (pos >= 0 && text.test(node.data.replace(/[„].*?[“]/g,''))) { textmatch = node.data.match( text ); pos += textmatch[1].length; // skip prefix // create new span-element newnode = document.createElement("span"); newnode.style.backgroundColor = "#FF9191"; newnode.title = hint; newnode.className = 'spellError'; // get length of the matching part len = textmatch[2].length; // splits content in three parts: begin, middle and end middlenode = node.splitText(pos); endnode = middlenode.splitText(len); // appends a copy of the middle to the new span-node newnode.appendChild(middlenode.cloneNode(true)); // replace middlenode with the new span-node middlenode.parentNode.replaceChild(newnode, middlenode); newnodes = 1; } } else if ((node.nodeType == 1) // element node && (node.hasChildNodes()) // with child nodes && !(/blockquote|^q$|cite|script|style|form/i.test(node.tagName)) && !(/mw-userlink|mw-usertoollinks|mw-changeslist-(date|separator)/.test(node.className))) // no script, style and form and citations or mw classes { var this_child; for (this_child = 0; this_child < node.childNodes.length; this_child++) { this_child = this_child + markWord(node.childNodes[this_child], text, hint); } } return newnodes; } setup().then( runSpellCheck ); /* VE is in Beta so the below API may not be valid mw.hook( 've.activationComplete' ).add( function() { setup().then( function(){ // inital find misspells (for all document) runSpellCheck(); var view =ve.init.target.getSurface().getView(); var doc = view.getDocument(); var model = ve.init.target.getSurface().getModel(); //while editing - only on current node model.on( 'documentUpdate', function () { try { var selection = model.getSelection().getRange(), node = selection && doc.getBranchNodeFromOffset( selection.start ), originalSelection; if ( !( node instanceof ve.ce.ContentBranchNode ) ) { return; } // OO UI doesnt like when we update the DOM during documentUpdate event setTimeout( function () { //remove spell errors from current node $( node.$element[0] ).find('.spellError').contents().unwrap(); if ( checkSpells( $( node.$element[0] ) ) ) { //reset selection selection = model.getSelection().getRange(); originalSelection = view.getSelectionState( new ve.Range(selection.to, selection.to) ); view.showSelectionState( originalSelection ); } } ); } catch(err){ console.log('Error in Gadget-Rechtschreibpruefung.js:documentUpdate'); console.log(err); } } ); } ); }); */ } $(function(){ //run only on active tabs if ( typeof document.hidden === "undefined" || !document.hidden) spellChecker(); else $(document).one('visibilitychange', spellChecker); });