מדיה ויקי:RefToolbarMessages-en.js
קפיצה לניווט
קפיצה לחיפוש
הערה: לאחר הפרסום, ייתכן שיהיה צורך לנקות את זיכרון המטמון (cache) של הדפדפן כדי להבחין בשינויים.
- פיירפוקס / ספארי: להחזיק את המקש Shift בעת לחיצה על טעינה מחדש (Reload), או ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-F5 או Ctrl-R (במחשב מק: ⌘-R).
- גוגל כרום: ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-Shift-R (במחשב מק: ⌘-Shift-R).
- אינטרנט אקספלורר / אדג': להחזיק את המקש Ctrl בעת לחיצה על רענן (Refresh), או ללחוץ על צירוף המקשים Ctrl-F5.
- אופרה: ללחוץ על Ctrl-F5.
// All user-facing messages // TODO: Document usage mw.usability.addMessages( { 'cite-section-label' : 'Cite', 'cite-template-list' : 'Templates', 'cite-named-refs-label' : 'Named references', 'cite-named-refs-title' : 'Insert a named reference', 'cite-named-refs-button' : 'Named references', 'cite-named-refs-dropdown' : 'Named references', // Used on the top of the named refs list dropdown 'cite-errorcheck-label' : 'Error check', 'cite-errorcheck-button' : 'Check for errors', 'cite-dialog-web' : 'Web citation', 'cite-dialog-news' : 'News citation', 'cite-dialog-book' : 'Book citation', 'cite-dialog-journal' : 'Journal citation', 'cite-form-submit' : 'Insert', 'cite-form-showhide' : 'Show/hide extra fields', 'cite-no-namedrefs' : 'Cannot find any named references on the page', 'cite-namedrefs-intro' : "Select a name from the list to see the ref content. Click 'Insert' to insert a reference to it in the text.", 'cite-raw-preview' : 'Wikitext:', 'cite-parsed-label' : 'Parsed wikitext:', 'cite-form-parse' : 'Show parsed preview', 'cite-refpreview' : 'Preview', 'cite-name-label' : 'Ref name', 'cite-group-label' : 'Ref group', 'cite-errorcheck-submit' : 'Check', 'cite-errorcheck-heading' : 'Check for the following errors:', 'cite-error-unclosed' : 'Unclosed <span style="font-family:monospace"><ref></span> tags', 'cite-error-samecontent' : 'References with the same content', 'cite-error-templates' : 'References not using a <a href="//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_templates">citation template</a>', 'cite-error-repeated' : 'Multiple references with the same name', 'cite-error-undef' : 'Usage of undefined named references', 'cite-error-samecontent-msg' : 'Multiple refs contain the same content: $1', 'cite-error-repeated-msg' : 'Multiple refs are given the name: \'$1\'', 'cite-error-templates-msg' : 'Does not use a template: $1', 'cite-form-reset' : 'Reset form', 'cite-loading' : 'Loading data', // Shown while pagetext is being downloaded from the API 'cite-insert-date' : 'Insert current date', // Alt/title text for 'insert date' icon 'cite-err-report-heading' : 'Citation error report', // Heading for error report table 'cite-err-report-close' : 'Close', // Alt/title text for 'close' icon on error report 'cite-err-report-empty' : 'No errors found', // Message displayed in the error report list if there are no errors 'cite-autofill-alt' : 'Autofill', // Alt text for autofill button image 'cite-work-tooltip' : 'Name of journal, magazine, newspaper, periodical or website', 'cite-authorlink-tooltip' : 'If the author has a Wikipedia article, the name of the article', 'cite-at-tooltip' : 'Position within the resource (when page is inappropriate)', 'cite-ref-tooltip' : 'ID for anchor (for creating a linkable reference)', 'cite-postscript-tooltip' : 'If specified, overrides the default behavior of terminating the citation with a period', 'cite-page-tooltip' : 'Page in the source that supports the content.', 'cite-pages-tooltip' : 'Pages in the source that supports the content; separate page ranges with an en dash (–); separate non-sequential pages with a comma (,); do not use to indicate the total number of pages in the source.', 'cite-website-tooltip' : 'Name of the website in full, not the URL', 'cite-samecontent-desc' : 'References with the same content', 'cite-samecontent-error' : 'Multiple references contain the same content', 'cite-repeated-desc' : 'Multiple references with the same name', 'cite-repeated-error' : 'Multiple references are using the same name', 'cite-undefined-desc' : 'Usage of undefined named references', 'cite-undefined-error' : 'A named reference is used but not defined', 'cite-first-label' : 'First name', 'cite-last-label' : 'Last name', 'cite-title-label' : 'Title', 'cite-work-label' : 'Work', 'cite-newspaper-label' : 'Newspaper', 'cite-journal-label' : 'Journal', 'cite-publisher-label' : 'Publisher', 'cite-accessdate-label' : 'Access date', 'cite-author-label' : 'Author', 'cite-authorlink-label' : "Author's article", 'cite-coauthors-label' : 'Coauthors', 'cite-archiveurl-label' : 'Archive URL', 'cite-archivedate-label' : 'Archive date', 'cite-location-label' : 'Location', 'cite-page-label' : 'Page', 'cite-pages-label' : 'Pages', 'cite-at-label' : 'At', 'cite-chapter-label' : 'Chapter', 'cite-volume-label' : 'Volume', 'cite-series-label' : 'Series', 'cite-issue-label' : 'Issue', 'cite-language-label' : 'Language', 'cite-format-label' : 'Format', 'cite-date-label' : 'Date', 'cite-month-label' : 'Month', 'cite-year-label' : 'Year', 'cite-quote-label' : 'Quote', 'cite-author2-label' : '2nd author', 'cite-author3-label' : '3rd author', 'cite-author4-label' : '4th author', 'cite-author5-label' : '5th author', 'cite-agency-label' : 'Agency', 'cite-editor-label' : 'Editor', 'cite-editor1-first-label' : "Editor's first", 'cite-editor1-last-label' : "Editor's last", 'cite-editor1-link-label' : "Editor's article", 'cite-editor-first-label' : "Editor's first", 'cite-editor-last-label' : "Editor's last", 'cite-editor-link-label' : "Editor's article", 'cite-edition-label' : 'Edition', 'cite-trans_title-label' : 'Translated title', 'cite-ref-label' : 'Ref', 'cite-postscript-label' : 'Postscript', 'cite-url-label' : 'URL', 'cite-doi-label' : 'DOI', 'cite-isbn-label' : 'ISBN', 'cite-pmid-label' : 'PMID', 'cite-issn-label' : 'ISSN', 'cite-pmc-label' : 'PMC', 'cite-oclc-label' : 'OCLC', 'cite-bibcode-label' : 'Bibcode', 'cite-id-label' : 'ID', 'cite-website-label' : 'Website name', 'cite-increment-alt' : 'Add another', // Alt text for field increment button, not specific to a particular field }); // Load configuration for site var RefToolbarLocal = importScript('MediaWiki:RefToolbarConfig.js');